понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.





1)How do you think,is rhythm so important for music?
2)Where from rhythm is come?
3)How can we call "speed" on Italian?
4)What is it "swing"?\
1) rhythm iz important because he leads the melody, keep it developing
2) Rhythm is came from Ancient Greece
3) tempo
4) swing is a repeating part of a melody

воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.


Part 1

In which way melody is like a language?
A melody can express our feelings. Even if we don't know the language, a melody helps us to communicate and understand each other. It's a kind of bridge between different cultures.

What is pentatonic? Why is it important? Comment in as many details as you can.

Pentatonic is 5 notes. They're easy to find on the piano keyboard, because these keys are black. Every melody is based on pentatonic, the genre doesn't matter. Even the riffs of famous bands are based on it.

make sure you understand what "notes" and "scale" are in music. What are the names of notes in English? (they are different then in Russian, so look this up, it's important for understanding the video)

The Eglish names of notes are: C (до), D (ре), E (ми), F (фа), G (соль), A (ля), H or B (си). There are also #  (sharp) and ♭ (flat). A sharp rises the note on its half-step, and a flat lowers on the same amount.

In the video, the notes in the scale are compared to runs in a ladder How many notes are there in Western scale? Is the number of notes the same in any culture?

There are 12 runs in a ladder in Western music. This number differs in different cultures. In Chinese and Indian music there are more notes in the ladder.

define and translate the term"pitch"

The pitch is the measure of how high or low the note is. Same notes can have a different pitch.

Part 2
define and translate the terms "interval", "semitone", "whole tone"

The interval is the distance between the runs which used to play on the musical ladder.
A semitone is the smallest interval between the one sound and another.
A whole tone is an interval of two runs of the musical ladder.

what's the essence of the experiment the presenter conducts? what does this experiment prove?

The presenter went to the splendid music place to find a music lover to help him construct the tune. The random people took a number, and than the presenter played the melody with these intervals. 

why does the presenter compare music composing to story-telling?
He compares music composing to story-telling, because both in music and story-telling we need a template to begin, and the concept of note families is basic to us all, although different cultures had developed their own sets.

define and translate the term "mode"

Mode - тональность. Different modes express different emotions.

where do the names of modes come? How does the Aeolian mode sound like?

The ancient Greeks named modes like Aeolian, Dorian, Phrygian and Lydian. The Aeolian mode sound solemn.

define and translate the terms " to sharpen the note"" to flatten the note". What two very different groups of musicians were famous for doing so?

To sharpen the note means to make the note higher on the half-step, and to flattern the note means to make the note lower on the same amount. 

Part 3
define and translate the term "diatonic"

Diatonic (диатоника) is a system, where all the instruments and all the singers can play together. The idea is to take one or two old notes and make them a pattern for the whole piece of music.
What is the difference between the new minor/major scales and the old modes? Why are they progressive in comparison with their predecessors?
Minor modes sound sad, major modes sound merry and joyful. 

They are progressive because most of the instruments we have nowadays, e.g. flutes, trumpets etc, can only play in a certain mode and can only play a limited number of notes. Different instruments "speak different language" and they can "communicate" with each other or play together.

Part 4
how is a bigger musical piece (like Mendelssohn's Concerto) structured?

The first tone of the melody is presented in tis basic form. It is not overcomplicated. Than minor key can turn to the major. Some minutes later another melody interrupts the first. Its short and dramatic. By the end of the concerto the melody involves the variations, but we never hear it again so as simple as it was in the beginning. 

Part 5
what is special about Sting's We Work The Blach Seam?
The dorian mode is the same as in songs of 16th century.  He associates ths sound with an industry, that have been around for centures. This songs has roots in very old songs.
name the ingredients of modern American music (which dominates the world, by the way)
African music, modern soul music, folk music, klezmer

воскресенье, 22 апреля 2012 г.

J. Cameron

1) James Cameron was a bookworm and didn't have a lot of friends. He liked science-fiction and lived in his own "shell" so he couldn't be popular.
2) The time Cameron grew was the time of science so James  was rather interested in it and developed his mind this way.
3) Cameron liked such activities because it helped to develop his imagination. He saw a lot of unusual things in water then he could draw something special.

4) CG and ILM are introdused in that films so they are really good.

5) James liked both to imagine and to explore from his childhood. As for me I like to imagine more)
6) The first thing to appreciate is the respect of the team because it much more important then money.

Mah bio' on glogster (beware of loud music)

Check out some music. I like it a lot

воскресенье, 19 февраля 2012 г.

R u savvy?

Have you ever imagine to put money in some business?

If you start your own business and have success in it, it means that you are business-savvy.

Popcorn older than cinema!

Кукуруза была впервые отделена от дикой травы в Мексике около девяти тысяч лет назад.

Считалось, что это заняло добрую тысячу лет, до того момента, как кукуруза распространилась до Южной Америки, где стала неотъемлемой частью современного рациона.

Но початки, найденные на раскопках в северном Перу показывают, что их ели люди, жившие здесь как минимум шесть с половиной тысяч лет назад.

И тесты, проведенные на древних початках показали, что их использовали более разнообразными способами, чем считалось раньше: для производства муки и попкорна

Это означает то, что в некоторых районах люди делали попкорн еще до того, как появилась глиняная посуда. Как точно они дошли до этого, учитывая то, что у них не было достаточно глиняной посуды, не совсем ясно

Еще более неясно, когда они ели это, за век до первого кинофильма.

воскресенье, 12 февраля 2012 г.

Adele received 6th Grammy

Singer Adele received 6th Grammy.

12th of February in Los-Angeles Adele received 6th Grammy. I think its fair enough, because in my opinion Adele is one of the best singers. Especially i like her because of her beautiful voice and lyrics of songs.

 She got many fans all over the world, not only in USA, but in Russia too. Many of my friends like Adele. 

I've got most of her songs, and big-half of them are very great.


Sup, guys